White House Agency Lists Peter Parker & Bruce Wayne As Interns

White House Agency Lists Peter Parker & Bruce Wayne As Interns

22 Mar, 2019

A recent report got a super-heroic boost, with the alter-egos of Batman and Spider-Man both included on a list of interns currently serving in the White House. Created within DC and Marvel respectively, Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker are two of the most popular and successful characters - both on page and screen. As such, there have been numerous incarnations of both across the decades. Most recently, Bruce Wayne was portrayed by Ben Affleck in the DCEU and Peter Parker was played Tom Holland in the MCU. Parallel versions of the latter were also recently voiced by Chris Pine and Jake Johnson in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Sony's Oscar-winning animated origin story for Miles Morales (Shameik Moore).

While Affleck has officially hung up the cape and cowl, the character will live on via The Batman. Although casting and plot details remain scarce, the Matt Reeves-directed prequel film will reportedly start filming in December. Holland's Peter Parker, meanwhile, was last seen being reduced to a pile of dust, but it's no secret that he will return, one way or another, before the conclusion of Avengers: Endgame. Just in time to star in his own standalone sequel, Spider-Man: Far From Home, and help Captain Marvel lead the MCU into its next phase.

As reported by The Hill, a report on White House staff was released by the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) on Tuesday. Although it included numerous genuine names, what caught most people's attention was the appearance of some surprising names included amongst the list of interns. Bruce Wayne was chief amongst them, baffling many - given that he's a billionaire and, well, fictional. As well as Bruce and Peter Parker, the list also referenced Star Wars, Captain America, and Game of Thrones. While it would be understandable to think their inclusion was some kind of mistake or early April Fools' joke, recent tweets have confirmed that it was indeed intentional...



 · Mar 20, 2019

Thank you for noticing, our interns are indeed super heroes! We’ve thought so all along, but we knew it'd take a little more to get them the attention they deserve. They have made significant contributions to the Economic Report of the President and do so every day at CEA.



Did folks really think this was a mistake?!? That would never have made it past our fact-checkers -- who, in fact, include our interns!


2:02 AM - Mar 20, 2019

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If indeed the ploy was designed to provoke a viral response, it definitely appears to have worked. Given Spider-Man and Batman's aforementioned popularity, it's unsurprising. The perpetual buzz surrounding the characters makes them the perfect ones to utilize in such a fashion. With Armie Hammer debunking rumors that he will be the next Batman, fans are constantly pondering and speculating who will take up the mantle. With Oscar Isaac the latest to discuss the role, it's clear that despite the underwhelming reception of Justice League, the character remains not far from public consciousness.

The inclusion of these superheroes is especially meta in the case of Peter Parker. Not only did his most recent standalone outing include a school trip to Washington, but a focal point of the plot was his Stark Industries Internship. As such, it's not outside the realm of possibility that the character, in the world of the MCU, could've exchanged one prestigious opportunity for another. In the real world, however, as much as some would no doubt love to see Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker working together, it just serves as a nice little way to bring attention to heroes both real and fictional. As such, fans of the characters will just have to heed Zachary Levi's advice and love them both equally and individually.


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