Krypton Season 2 Teaser Offers New Look at Doomsday

Krypton Season 2 Teaser Offers New Look at Doomsday

21 Mar, 2019

SYFY has released a new teaser trailer for season 2 of its Superman prequel series Krypton, and it shows plenty of baddies ready to make things difficult, including the one and only Doomsday. The series premiered in 2018, offering viewers a glimpse into the sometimes brutal life on the planet that Kal-El would’ve called home. It also ofered up a clever time-travel twist that turned the series into something a bit more than a simple prequel, as Superman’s grandfather, Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe), is tasked with ensuring his grandson (who’s not even a glimmer in his unborn father’s eye) fulfills his destiny as the universe’s greatest hero. 

One good turn deserves another, as the saying goes, which means the series, which is executive produced by David Goyer (Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice) didn’t stop there. Instead, it also introduced a time-traveling Adam Strange (Shaun Sipos) as well as an out-of-time General Zod (Colin Salmon). The latter, of course, has his eye on the ultimate prize: ensuring the dominance of his family line and preventing the House of El from achieving its rather notable claim to fame. On top of everything, Krypton also introduced a planet eating Brainiac (Blake Ritson) as the season’s other, other Big Bad. 

That was until a post-credits scene during the season 1 finale revealed Krypton was hiding something really dangerous: the beast that once killed Superman himself. The Doomsday tease was a smart way to ensure viewers return to see how that reveal will play out in season 2, especially after it was announced that Doomsday, Braniac, and Zod will also have to share the screen with everyone’s favorite bastich — or the Last Czarnian, which ever you prefer — Lobo (Emmett J. Scanlan). While it seems SYFY is saving Lobo for another trailer, the cabler is not the lest bit shy about showing Doomsday in action in the all-new teaser. Check it out below: 

As far as teasers go, this one is pretty effective. The question of how best to sell the story of Superman’s grandpa is not an easy one to answer. SYFY opted for Game of Thrones meets Blade Runner for season 1, but now that the series is basically pulling from DC Comics toy box, it might as well go whole hog. And since this version of Doomsday follows in Braniac’s footsteps in terms of being more comic’s accurate than, say, his representation in the aforementioned BVS, it would seem the network has its marking for the new season all figured out. 

It’s still anyone’s guess as to how well the character will fit into the overall storyline, and what, if anything can be done by the people of Krypton to stop what is essentially the ultimate destructive force. It would seem that the show is rather confident in what it has planned, so audiences will just have to wait and see. 

Krypton season 2 will air sometime in 2019.


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