Supernatural Season 15 Will Be Its Last

Supernatural Season 15 Will Be Its Last

23 Mar, 2019

The CW announces that Supernatural's upcoming fifteenth season will be its last, giving fans 20 more adventures with the Winchester boys. All good things must come to an end, and that's certainly true for popular TV shows. Of course, most scripted shows reach their conclusions long before Supernatural will, no matter how popular they may be. By reaching 10 seasons back in 2014, Supernatural became part of a pretty exclusive club, but by completing season 15, Supernatural earns inclusion on an even smaller list of long-running primetime programs, alongside such shows as American Dad, ER, and Grey's Anatomy.

During the currently airing season 14, Supernatural passed the 300-episode milestone, and while many fans would argue that the current output isn't as good now as the show was at its peak, Supernatural remains one of the most-watched shows on The CW. The Supernatural fanbase is incredibly loyal, sticking with the series through its many ups and downs, including Sam losing his soul, Dick Roman's Leviathan army, and the unceremonious killing off of several beloved supporting characters.

According to THR, Supernatural season 15 is confirmed to be the last ride of Sam and Dean Winchester. Thankfully for fans, this won't be a shortened final season that puts constraints on the writers, as season 15 will run for the same 20-episode length as season 14. No particular reason has been provided yet as to why the decision was made to end the show now. Showrunners Robert Singer and Andrew Dabb released a statement concerning Supernatural's impending conclusion, and stars Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and Misha Collins posted a video message to fans. Both can be seen below.

Firstly, we would like to thank all the people who have been involved with the show both in front of and behind the camera. For us it has been an experience of a lifetime. The support we have had from both Warner Bros Television and The CW has been incredible. We'd like to give special thanks to Jensen, Jared and Misha for making this journey so special. It is now most important to us to give these characters that we love the sendoff they deserve.

Jared Padalecki


Hey #SPNFamily here’s a little message from @JensenAckles @mishacollins and me. I’m so grateful for the family that’s been built because of the show. Excuse me while i go cry.


2:00 AM - Mar 23, 2019

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While the majority of the Supernatural fanbase will obviously be sad to see their favorite show end, there will be also definitely be a segment of the fans who are relieved to know that Sam and Dean's story is finally wrapping up, before inevitably reaching the point where the Winchesters are having a mid-life crisis and bemoaning the fact that they're 50, single, and childless, all while dealing with chronic back pain. All kidding aside though, Supernatural seems like it's going out on its own terms, and a show and characters this beloved deserve that privilege.

As mentioned above, no official reasoning has been offered as to why The CW is choosing to end Supernatural after season 15, and the move is a bit surprising, as network execs have repeatedly said that they saw the show continuing on as long as its stars wanted to do it. That suggests that perhaps Padalecki and Ackles were the ones to finally decide to wrap things up, although one would think they would just come out and say that to the fans, who they tend to be very honest with. Either way, Supernatural is heading off into the sunset, but before it gets there, hopefully the Winchesters get to save the world for good.

Supernatural season 14 airs Thursdays on The CW.


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